

英 [æŋˈgɔ:rə]


  • n.


  • 英英释义

    angora[ æŋ'ɡɔ:rə, æŋ'ɡəulə ]

    • n.
      • the capital of Turkey; located in west-central Turkey; it was formerly known as Angora and is the home of Angora goats

        同义词:AnkaraTurkish capitalcapital of Turkey

      • a domestic breed of goat raised for its long silky hair which is the true mohair

        同义词:Angora goat

      • domestic breed of rabbit with long white silky hair

        同义词:Angora rabbit

      • a long-haired breed of cat similar to the Persian cat

        同义词:Angora cat



    angora rabbit安哥拉兔


    Leafy Spurge Control with Angora Goats and Herbicides
    Diets of Angora Goats Grazing Leafy Spurge (Euphorbia esula)-Infested Rangeland
    Heartwater in Angora goats. I. Immunity subsequent to artificial infection and treatment.
    Superovulation treatments and embryo transfer in Angora goats
    Isolation of Branhumella ovis from conjunctivae of Angora goats
    Heartwater in Angora goats. II. A pathological study of artificially infected, treated and untreated goats.
    Nutrient Requirements of Goats: Angora, Dairy, Meat Goats in Temperate and Tropical Countries
    Diets of sheep, Angora goats, Spanish goats and white-tailed deer under excellent range conditions [Edwards Plateau of Texas].
    Growth and slaughter traits of Boer x Spanish, Boer x Angora, and Spanish goats consuming a concentrate-based diet.
    Effects of fuel treatments on fire severity in an area of wildland-urban interface, Angora Fire, Lake Tahoe Basin, California